Mission Resource E-Quips is Coming
Being the entrepreneurial types, we are always looking for ways to better serve Christ, our brothers and sisters in Africa, and our partners in the U.S. (who make it all possible!).
In that spirit, we are launching a new weekly email newsletter called Mission Resource E-Quips. Our purpose for this newsletter is to equip, empower, and encourage you in your faith by highlighting resources we find helpful to a robust spiritual life.
From our start 20 years ago, the DNA of Mission Resource has been summarized in 3 simple words: Equip – Empower – Encourage.
The contents will be short & simple – in each issue we plan to offer a concise description of 1 useful resource with a link in red (to take you where you can learn more if you care to check it out), followed by a few key prayer requests from our office.
While it is easy to criticize the dark side of the world wide web, the internet does have a bright side - and it's full of useful information and even inspiration.
Calling the newsletter Mission Resource "E-Quips" is a pun. (Sorry!) Since a quip is “a short, clever or witty remark or comment”, e-quips would be brief but useful notes sent by email.
At least that’s what we’re aiming for. We would welcome your feedback as we experiment with this concept. (And we would LOVE to hear what online resources you already have found beneficial and use on a regular basis, so we can check them out and pass those recommendations on to everyone else! Drop me an email at steve@missionresource.org. )
If you are not on our email list and you would like to be added, let Melissa know at office@missionresource.org.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
1 Thessalonians 5:11